About Sarah Caudle

Sarah Caudle(サラ カードル)
Sarah Caudle is an artist inspired by the beautiful nature that surrounds us. She hopes that her art can serve as a reminder to enjoy the present moment and live a life you love.
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where she currently resides, Sarah has always had a passion for art. While living in Honolulu, Hawai’i, she fell in love with the islands and felt inspired to paint their beauty. As a pioneer of resin as an art medium, her dynamic colors, fluid movements, and organic compositions of the Hawai’i beaches filled the world with the spirit of aloha.
Named USA Today’s “10 Hawaii-based artists who can bring the tropics to you”, Sarah has also been featured in Modern Luxury Hawai’i and Hawai’i Magazine. After her many art shows throughout Japan and her feature on NHK, her popularity has widely grown in Japan. Her work can be found in several galleries throughout Hawai’i and Japan, and has found its home in private collections throughout the globe.
全米の人気新聞、USA Todayの「南国を感じさせるハワイ在住のアーティスト10人」に選ばれたサラは、モダン・ラグジュアリー・ハワイやハワイ・マガジンなど多数のメディアで紹介されています。 また、日本各地でのアートショーやNHKでの特集の後、彼女の人気は日本でも広く知られるようになりました。彼女の作品は、ハワイと日本のいくつかのギャラリーで見ることができ、世界中のコレクター達が作品を所有しています。
Over exertion and intense creation led her to take a break from resin ocean art and embark on both a physical and emotional journey to rediscover herself as an artist. After a several year hiatus, she once again felt inspired to paint. Using sculptural lines and neutral colors primarily in oil paints, her new work reflects the simple, yet complex beauty of nature, conveys elegance and sophistication, and evokes a sense of peace and wonder.

When she is not painting, you can find Sarah traveling, practicing yoga, hiking with her two rescue dogs, gardening, or spending time with her family. She is forever filled with the spirit of aloha and hopes to share that with the world through her art and her actions.